Lack of Water Supply
During 2016, the Group implemented a water stewardship programme, whereby water scarcity risk areas were identified. Up and downstream impacts were identified during the 2016 assessment. Accurate water targets will be set during 2018 after the water audits across the Group have been conducted and areas identified for the installation of water meters at strategic measurement points.
Sun International voluntarily participates in the Carbon Disclosure Project’s annual water disclosure programme.
Our CDP Scores
The 2016-2020 water stewardship programme is based on the following six key focus areas:
1 | Current State | Gain an understanding of water usage and supply at group level. Create a groupwide water risk profile to assist in prioritisation of site initiatives. Evaluate water usage and identify risks / opportunities for CDP Response. Expand basic site assessments to include data / information of what needs to be addressed into a consolidated group initiative. |
2 | Creating Action | Create a water nitiative action list for budget and implementation purposes. Eliminate identified water risks. Gain greater visibiity into water usage at site level. Set up montly water usage reporting protocols. Repair identified water leaks and reticulation system. |
3 | Technology Trials | Conduct a comprehensive audit on current irrigation practices including water, energy and nutrients. Conduct Trials of backwash water for reuse purposes. |
4 | Basic Conservation | Install Water saving fittings. |
5 | Re-Use/Recycle | Evaluation of water re-use opportunities. Surface water, rain water harvesting. Roll out backwash recovery initiatives. Roll out Intelligent Irrigation. |
6 | Communication | Establish realistic targets and goals for water usage. Engage with Supply Chain on Water. Efficiency Usage and Risk Communicate Progress for Water Progress to Guests / Staff. Train Staff to become more waterwise. Communicate and participate in Water Reporting. |