Environmental Sustainability
Sun International has developed a holistic approach towards making our business paths more environmentally sustainable.
Our approach to environmental management is defined by our Corporate Sustainability Strategy, and is aligned to the requirements of the ISO 14001 international environmental standards.
In order to achieve our environmental goals, Sun International integrates environmental management into sustainable business practices throughout every level of our business by including sustainability as an integral part of our business strategy and working across the various areas of our business operations.
Building an Environmentally Conscious Culture
Sun International’s Environmental Strategy
Although various environmental aspects are considered as part of our climate change journey, specific emphasis is given the following environmental material topics:
- Improving electricity efficiency
Factors that drive the implementation of our Energy Management Strategy are the increasing costs of electricity and the security of supply in certain areas. Our objective is to manage energy efficiency and thereby reduce our electricity consumption and costs. We utilize and implement the most efficient and cost effective energy technology where possible. - Reducing water supply
Sun International is committed to the responsible stewardship of water resources while ensuring a secure supply of water for our properties. Water is a critical resource for our operations and remains a key focus area for each of our properties. - Zero-Waste-to-Landfill
Waste generation has always been one of the main concerns for Sun International and the emissions generated from waste throughout the Group contributes to just over 1% of the Group’s total Carbon Footprint. Therefore, a Zero-Waste-to-Landfill by 2020 goal has been set for the Group that encourages the redesign of resource lifecycles so that all products procured by Sun International are reused. - Reducing greenhouse emissions
Emissions are relevant to Sun International due to risks driven by changes in regulation. We are also working to lower our greenhouse gas impact from identifying and evaluating various carbon reduction projects with the view to purchase carbon credits to offset carbon emissions by 2020. - Sustaining food security
Serving food is an important component of Sun International’s guest offering. We believe value is in the value chain and through identifying initiatives such as sourcing fresh produce from local communities and committing to serve sustainable seafood in all our restaurants, is the first step towards developing and sustaining our food supply chain.
Sun International understands that the long-term future of the Group is dependent on the sustainable use of our natural resources and as a result, our environmental strategy forms an integral part of our business strategy. Through our comprehensive Environmental Strategy and our Environmental Policy, Sun International is committed to protecting the environment, minimising its environmental footprint and continually reviewing and improving its sustainable business strategy.
Our Resource Consumption at a Glance
We are committed to preventing pollution and reducing our impact on natural resources by continually improving measures to manage and monitor our environmental impacts on the diverse environments in which we operate.
Our Resources at a Glance 2016
In order to achieve our climate change goals, Sun International has developed a holistic approach towards making our business paths more sustainable through monitoring and evaluating our resource use.
Carbon Disclosure Project
The CDP (formerly the "Carbon Disclosure Project") is an organisation based in the United Kingdom which works with shareholders and corporations to disclose the greenhouse gas emissions of major corporations. CDP operates in most major economies worldwide and channels information and progress through individual programs. These are: Climate Change, Water, Supply Chain, Forests and Cities.

Resource Snapshot for January - December 2016
Environmental Strategic Objectives and Targets
As part of Sun International’s Environmental and Climate Change Strategy, strategic environmental objectives and targets to reduce its impact on natural resources and to minimize its environmental footprint, have been identified.
Climate Change
Understanding that climate change impacts on natural resources, which influences both the GHG emissions that cause climate change and the vulnerabilities facing our business in the current operating environment, an integrated climate change journey, to create shared value for all stakeholders across the value chain, has been developed. Our climate change journey includes key milestones to be achieved from 2016 to 2020.
Our Climate Change Response Strategy Objective 2016 – 2020
To position Sun International in a way that is able to lower carbon emissions by identifying, quantigying and prioritising the risks and opportunities that climate change presents. To effectively thrive in a climate-resilient green economy, and contribute to job creation and poverty alleviation.