Who is the best person in Sun International to contact and advertise my company to?
While we have a centralised group procurement function and procurement resources at each property, it is always best to get directly to the end user of your product or service, and to maintain a relationship with that department or person to ensure continued business opportunities.
Is procurement within Sun International centralised?
Partly. Head Office procurement will negotiate and manage group strategic relationships. Individual properties will manage other supply relationships relevant to their property only.
Ordering, invoicing and payment will happen at a property level, with the exception of large projects and developments which may be centralised.
What is required to become a supplier to Sun International?
Sun International aims to give a fair opportunity to all suppliers who potentially fit a business need. Although preference is given to B-BBBEE compliant suppliers, our sourcing process is a commercial balance of product, price, service and B-BBEE.
Having said this, opportunities for ALL business continue to exist within our supply chain.
Our online supplier registration portal is simple and efficient, and will ask you for all of the information required to be listed as a supplier. You may be requested to provide additional information at the point of active sourcing.
How do I register as a supplier, and what is the process from there?
The starting point is to register as a potential supplier onto our Supplier Database.
Once your company has been invited to participate in a sourcing process, and has been selected as the supplier of choice, an internal process to on-board you will be followed. This includes a 2 stage procurement review at property and group level, reviewing the request in terms of compliance to our process.
Once approved, you will be successfully on-boarded, and a supplier number issued.
A purchase order will then be processed, prior to supply of goods or services.
Any deviations to this process may impact payment efficiency.
What is B-BBBEE?
The Broad-Based Black Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act 53 of 2003 aims to ensure that the economy is structured and transformed to enable the meaningful participation of the majority of its citizens and to further create capacity within the broader economic landscape at all levels through skills development, employment equity, socio economic development, preferential procurement, enterprise development, especially small and medium enterprises, promoting the entry of black entrepreneurs into the mainstream of economic activity, and the advancement of co-operatives.
Sun International supports the objectives of this Act.
What B-BBEE expectation does Sun International have from suppliers?
Sun International requires all South African suppliers to hold a valid B-BBEE certificate or affidavit, with a level 7 or better.
Preference will be given to suppliers who meet our optimum compliance requirement, being ‘Black’ owned, equal to or greater than 51%; and holding a B-BBEE level of 1,2 or 3.
This does not exclude any supplier who does not meet this optimum level, but such suppliers will need to ensure a highly competitive offering within the other elements of sourcing.
Why is Sun International so committed to B-BBEE?
The group believes that all South African business enterprises have an equal obligation to redress the imbalances of the past by facilitating constructive participation by Black South Africans at all levels within our economy.
At the same time, being a Gaming company, Sun International is bound in terms of our Gaming licenses to B-BBEE compliance.
How can we secure more business within Sun International?
Maintaining a professional working relationship with the procurement and end user department always helps. Understand and consistently deliver on our needs in terms of product or service fit, budget, and service standard.
Sourcing is generally conducted through our Supplier Database, and it is important for you to maintain an updated supplier profile at all times. This will improve your chances of being included in relevant sourcing opportunities.
How do we overcome corruption in the supply chain?
Procurement policies and practices are governed by the Group Procurement Policy and should be consistently applied across the organization.
We encourage you to report any ethical breaches to supplier selection and management through our Ethics Hotline.
Is small business support available from Sun International?
In line with our Group commitment to B-BBEE, Sun International can offer a number of ways of assisting small business who qualify in accordance with the Codes of Good Practice.
Enterprise Development
Through assistance with business growth, the intention is to capacitate your company to enjoy a larger share of our business, as well as other business.
Does Sun International have “Preferred” suppliers?
Yes. As with most business’, Sun International will mitigate business risk through the appointment of specific service providers as a group standard supplier.
These are normally strategic longer-lasting relationships, appointed through (but not always) a formal tender process, and managed at group level.
Why does Sun International insist on 3 quotes?
Where there is no “Preferred” supplier, and where an open & competitive market exists, it is Sun Internationals standard practice to source 3 comparable quotes, on which a commercially balanced decision will be made.
If I am an “Approved” supplier within Sun International, do I need to register for each property?
No. Our supplier database is centralised, and you will only register once. On becoming an active supplier, you will receive a supplier number which will be standard across our group. You are then available to each property, but may be required to repeat submit specific supporting information by certain properties, such as banking information, updated B-BBEE information, etc.
Generally, this information will all be available to our properties on the centralised Supplier Database.
Why is small business considered a risk?
Traditionally, a larger company has been viewed as being more stable, able to supply larger baskets and volume, and with economies of scale are generally perceived as being more price competitive. In any business, this would make sense.
From an operational perspective, a department manager would also be cautious about having to manage a few small suppliers, where one large supplier would suffice.
However, in line with our B-BBEE commitments, Sun International actively encourages the participation of small business within our group where continuity of product, price and service can be managed.
How does a small business compete against a larger established supplier?
Sun International looks at a number of factors when sourcing, being Product, Price, Service and B-BBEE.
Where a supplier falls short in one area, they should ensure they counter this in the others…
The final decision, although price is always foremost in anyone’s mind, is a weighted decision of these 4 factors.
What do you offer that set’s you apart from your competitors?
We have even gone as far as setting internal targets for specific small business share within our supply chain.
How do we participate in a tender or sourcing opportunity?
Sourcing within the group begins with our Supplier Database. Suppliers are encouraged to maintain accurate profiles at all time.
When approached to participate in a tender within the group, you will be provided with detailed instruction in terms of the qualifying criteria, the requirement, and all other expectations of the tender process.
A tender manager will be appointed to facilitate all questions relating to the tender.
What are Sun International standard payment terms?
Our standard payment terms are 30 days from statement, as agreed at the beginning of your relationship with any property individually.
All deviations to this standard must be approved by the relevant Financial Manager, including deposits and pre-payments.
Settlement discounts will be negotiated by the relevant property.
Are shorter payment terms available for small suppliers?
In line with our B-BBEE commitment, earlier payment terms are available, at our discretion, to qualifying suppliers.
How does Sun International accommodate registration of commission based suppliers?
We call any supplier who is owed commission for placing business at one of our properties a “Travel Trade Partner”.
Internally, these new supplier requests are fast-tracked for creation so that payment can be processed without delay.
Procurement has no control over the payment process.
Will I receive a contract when becoming an active supplier with Sun International?
Contracting of suppliers is normally reserved for strategic relationships; where the value of supply necessitates an agreement; when there is a business or reputation risk or where a specific or complex product or service standard is required.
In all other instances, the procurement relationship will be governed by the terms and conditions of the Purchase Order.
How will I receive an order from Sun International?
Sun International operates a complex Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, which will generate a formal system purchase order.
Any other instruction to supply should not be accepted as authorized, and payment may be jeopardized.
Is Sun International committed to local procurement?
Yes. Sun International minimizes international procurement and direct exporting, preferring to channel ordering through locally based suppliers.
Further to this, Sun International is committed to procuring, to the best of its ability, within the region and local communities within which we operate.
This is obviously carefully balanced with commercial best fit for business.
What is Enterprise and Supplier Development?
E&SD is the formally applied business assistance provided by Sun International to a small qualifying business within the scope of B-BBEE.
The objective of E&SD is to capacitate business in order to grow and create jobs.
How do I submit a proposal for Supplier Development assistance?
Please complete an online application form.
This will be processed centrally, and distributed to the relevant property/s.
Is all the “red tape” necessary?
Probably not, but it’s what we do…. Let us know how we can improve a process.
Please understand that decision making in a large corporate can involve various key stakeholders, who may be geographically distant. This all takes time to coordinate.
Do I need a Gaming License to be a supplier to Sun International?
The Gaming industry is heavily regulated in South Africa, through the National and regional Gaming Boards.
Any supplier providing a gaming related product or service, including any service provided directly on a gaming floor, will require to be registered with the relevant Gaming Board.
Please note that this does not preclude you from having to comply with other mandatory regulations specific to your sector.
Can’t find your question?
Contact us at procurement@suninternational.com